I write about movies for my own personal amusement.

December 19, 2011

Movie Review- The Kentucky Fried Movie

Gosh, this was a funny movie. The Kentucky Fried Movie is a skit-based film, and thus is short on plot and heavy on the laughs. While the subject matter varies greatly, the main subject of parody here is 70's daytime TV and film. The movie opens up with a skit involving a morning news crew and it gets rapidly more absurd from there. After a few skits, the movie hits its main feature, a lengthy and spot-on parody of Bruce Lee movies. Aptly named "A Fistful of Yen", the skit basically follows the plot of Enter the Dragon, and the parody works to perfection. The ending was a bit unexpected, but still funny nonetheless. There are few skits afterwards, my favorite being "Zinc Oxide", an educational film gone wrong. It's worth noting that the script was written by the guys behind Airplane! and the Naked Gun movies. The humor here is slightly different from their other films, though, as The Kentucky Fried Movie relies a lot less on sight gags than their other work. It's still a funny movie, but from a different aspect. Overall, a very tasteless and funny movie, and a highly recommended watch. 5/5

IMDB Page- http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0076257/

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