I write about movies for my own personal amusement.

December 15, 2011

Movie Review- Hellraiser

Hellraiser is one of the few horror movies I have ever seen that actually managed to give me the creeps. It's a very suspenseful flick that relies on character and story development over the body count, and that makes it stand out against the numerous mindless horror movies I've seen. The lighting is really dark in places, in a good way, and that just adds to the general creepiness. The storyline is very inventive and well-executed, and the dialog is decent, too. The acting, while somewhat poor, is much better than most horror movies. The cinematography is fairly decent too, which is always a bonus in my opinion. The tone is really creepy, what with the themes of sadism and torture, and it works great in this setting. The makeup effects are really top-notch and gruesome, especially the early scenes with Frank, and the Cenobites. It's definitely not a movie for the faint of heart. Overall, a very creepy and suspenseful movie; it can be a bit campy at times, but it's much better than most horror movie fare. Highly recommended, and a must-see for horror movie fans. 4.5/5

IMDB Page: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0093177/

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