I write about movies for my own personal amusement.

March 12, 2012

Movie Review- Second Glance

Second Glance could accurately be summarized as "It's a Wonderful Life" for uppity Christian kids. It's best known for the semi-infamous "Hey Scotty! Jesus, man." scene, but there's more to it than that. It's not much, but it's still something.

I watched this movie with the expectation of it being very preachy, but Second Glance manages to get its message across without shoving it down the viewer's throat. However, its message is not entirely effective. I found the "do good stuff in life and you'll go to heaven" moral to be a bit silly.  Anyone who's ever gone to church has heard that message, and the movie offers little more than that message.

That being said, it's still a good moral, and it certainly doesn't make the film any less enjoyable. Although it's not enjoyable in the sense that the writers intended. This is a very campy movie, and most of the entertainment derives from the cheesy dialog and ridiculous plot devices. In its defense, the movie is from 1992, and is therefore a bit outdated. That doesn't make it any less humorous, however. The characters are all really thin, even the main character Dan is nothing more than the goody two-shoes type. The script also acts like we're supposed to care about a character named Scotty, but he's barely given any screen time, let alone character development.

There's not much else to say about this film; it barely clocks in at a 50 minute run time.  And I get the feeling this was probably an after-school TV special, because the overall production quality is about the same as one. All this aside, this is a fairly entertaining movie, with plenty of unintentional laughs and hammy acting around. It's worth a watch if you're into campy movies, even if it's just for the "Jesus, man" scene.

Enjoyment: 3/5

Quality: 2/5

IMDB Page- http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0220029/