I write about movies for my own personal amusement.

December 21, 2011

Movie Review- The Chopping Mall

Chopping Mall is a science-fiction horror movie produced by Roger Corman. That alone should tell you what kind of movie this is. I've seen several Roger Corman movies, and this is definitely one of his better movies for sure. The premise is inventive, at least in comparison to other slasher movies. The movie, originally released as "Killbots", tells the tale of some teens who decide to have a party in the department store of a mega-mall. Unfortunately the mall's newfangled security guards, monolithic tank-type robots, come in and blow everyone up. And that's about it. But despite that, this is actually a pretty enjoyable movie. The plot gets a bit slow at times, and the runtime is unfortunately short at 77 minutes, but it's still a fun movie. The special effects are excellent given the budget, the killbots are really convincing and really well-built. The characters, while paper-thin stereotypes, are still pretty fun to watch, and the acting is fairly good given the material they had to work with. Speaking of which, the script is riddled with cliches, to the point where it strangely isn't all that annoying. The ending was a bit anticlimactic and ambiguous, but it could have been worse. There's also a fun little cameo by Dick Miller, who starred in one of Corman's earlier films, "A Bucket of Blood". The score here is the overbearing synthesizer-based music that plagues many a low-budget movie, but it isn't nearly annoying as other movies. Overall, this is a fairly good quality B-movie, it's not perfect, but it's still an enjoyable watch. Recommended for those who enjoy a good B-Movie, even if it's really campy.

Quality: 2/5
Enjoyment: 4/5

IMDB Page- http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0090837/

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