I write about movies for my own personal amusement.

December 9, 2011

Movie Review- House

House is a rare feat. A horror-comedy that is neither creepy nor funny. I think part of the problem comes from the fact that the director and producer were the guys behind Friday the 13th 2 and 3. But the main problem with this movie is that it is very unoriginal and formulaic. The same old haunted house routine, with very little ingenuity or inventiveness. The characters are flat and generally boring and unlikable, which really affects any potential this movie had. There's some weird interludes with the main character's Vietnam flashbacks, which make very little sense other than to set up an equally confusing final monster. The acting is really uneven here, particularly his neighbor with a constantly disappearing and reappearing European accent. Much like the acting, the special effects work is uneven, running the gamut from flying obviously-on-strings garden tools, to surprisingly good zombie makeup during the last 15 minutes. Speaking of which, the last 15 minutes is really the only interesting part of the film, but even then it makes almost no sense whatsoever. The main character somehow retrieves his lost son from inside his bathroom mirror, but not before being attacked by a skull-eagle thing that looks like something from a heavy metal album cover. After retrieving his son, he's attacked by the zombie of his former Vietnam war buddy, who's back for revenge for some reason. It's as if the special effects team was inspired heavily by heavy metal album covers, because the zombie/soldier guy looks like something from a Megadeth CD. As thrilling as this may sound, it's somehow a snoozefest. Overall, this is a very boring film. I didn't hate it, but I certainly didn't like it. Not recommended in the least. 2/5

IMDB Page-  http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0091223/

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