I write about movies for my own personal amusement.

February 1, 2016

Movie Review- Borat

Originally written 12/22/15

            Borat goes for shock value over humor. The actual jokes in the movie are also heavy on offensive and/or gross-out material. I was not offended. The jokes are too dumb to be offensive. I was grossed out, however, so the movie at least accomplished its meager goal. The movie as a whole has not aged particularly well. The oversaturation of hidden-camera prank TV shows and YouTube channels has really reduced the novelty of the film. Although even for 2006, this was hardly more than a souped-up version of Jackass. Sacha Baron Cohen is great as the character in terms of performance, even if the material he had to work with was tasteless and lowbrow. The only truly funny scene in the film (and honestly it is more of a shock value laugh) is the naked fight scene. You know your movie is a dud when the high point is a naked fat man running through a crowded room. 

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