I write about movies for my own personal amusement.

December 9, 2011

Movie Review- Lo

One of my favorite film genres is dark comedy. And this is a great dark comedy. The whole movie plays out like a stage play, and the flashbacks themselves are actually stage plays within the movie. It gives the movie a very interesting feel, but mostly a low-budget feel. The script is great, even if it's a little odd at times. The plot is very dialog heavy, much of the film consists of Justin conversing with various demons, Lo in particular. But it's not boring by any means, the characters are engaging, as well as the plot. A lot of the budget here seems like it went into the demon makeup, and boy does it show. The makeup is realistic, which is a rare feat in any genre. Lo, the title character, is a Freddy Kreuger type, spewing humor here and there, but it still manages to be a menacing villain. There's a good bit of bizarre humor here, which may turn a lot of people off, but the offbeat humor fits with the tone of the movie, so I had no problem with it. Scenes such as the 50's-style love ballad sung by one of the demons, while really strange, are quite fun to watch. It's a very surreal movie, too, but again, it works great with the tone. The ending is quite unexpected, a good twist ending for once, which makes the whole film very bittersweet in retrospect. A very, very weird movie, but quite enjoyable. Highly recommended to those with an offbeat sense of humor. 5/5

IMDB Page:  http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1047490/

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