MainPic.The Crew has been captured by the evil Flipz and The Predator6189 Robot.
Predator: So, you're trying to find the Mayor, eh? The boss won't be too happy about this.
Alemas: You work for someone?
Flipz: Obviously. We're the goons that get sent out in a feeble attempt to stop, before being squished in the subsequent panel.
Squid: Ooh, forshadowing, gotta love it.
Predator: Just hush, will you? We need to bring you back to HQ immediately.
Smiley: Will there be any Cheez-its there?
Flipz: Of course there won't be any-
Pic2:(A diner band falls out of the sky and on top of the villains.)
Alemas: I would complain about the logic of this, but at least we're safe.
Kitty: Hi guys, what'd I miss?
Squid: Oh, only us being captured.
Kitty: Aw, man! That's my favorite part!
Pic3: (The logic of the storyline dwindles by the second.)
Scarecrow: So long, and may you have a safe journey.
Smiley: This raises so many questions...
Kitty: Such as?
Smiley:Such as why Patrick is part of a diner band.
Snape: After we rescued them from jail, we realized he was the most beautiful chain saw player since Johnny Thunder's great grandfather.
Sulfurix: Raaaahwarrr! (Indeed!)
Kitty: So long, fellas, and thanks for the lift!
Patrick: Goodbye, prison buddy! See you around!
Pic4:(The crew leaves the island.)
Squid: Sorry for sending you to jail, I didn't realize it would affect this storyline, too.
Kitty: Nah, It's alright, and besides, It made the plot more interesting.
Alemas: I think you mean more convoluded.
CC150: So, how exactly did you escape?
Kitty: It was a long, confusing tale, involving more robots, a couple of aliens, some obscure movie references and a talking refridgerator.
Smiley: Whoa, deja vu.
Kitty: Exactly.
Pic5:(After a lengthy discussion on how implausible this story is becoming, the crew manages to find the raft.)
Squid: Oh, Kittyboy, I forgot to tell you, we traded all of our weapons for a Richard Scarry book, and- aw nuts, where'd it go?
Smiley: *Urp* That was most certainley not delicous.
Alemas: I thought it was.
Kitty: Wait, did you two just?
Smiley: What? We haven't had food since you left, you have all the sandwiches in your bag.
Kitty: Um, I think patrick ate them.
CC150: Well, I have some good news, I found a map with a shortcut to the other hideout!
Kitty: Are you so sure about the shortcut? I kinda need to drag this out for another 7 episodes.
CC150: Meh, don't worry, You'll figure something out.
Smiley: Such as where to find some food.
To Be Continued...