(The crew is searching for a lead to Dr. EviLego's whereabouts. This search has lead them to one of his old labs.)
Smiley: Geez Louise! How could anybody live in a place like this?
Squid: I dunno, but this a great place for a hideout, because no one would ever think to look here.
Pic2: (The crew parks and leaves Alemas to guard the boat-mobile.)
CC150: You take care now Alemas. We won't be gone long.
Kitty: You sure you guys want to split up? This place gives me the creeps.
Squid: Oh, don't be a wuss. You'll be fine.
Kitty: All right...
Pic3:(Kittyboy96 and Cheshirecat150 search for the evil Doctor's hideout.)
CC150: We need to be careful, who knows what kind of vermin live out here?
Wormtail: Hey lady, can you spare me a dollar?
Kitty: Ack, I see your point.
CC150: Hey! I think I see something! Let's go check it out.
Kitty: All righty. I hope Squid and Smiley found something.
Pic5:(They did find something.)
Squid: So, what'd you find?
Smiley: Let's see... I found a sankra stone and the Holy Grail. And of course all this food.
Squid: The stone and the cup are okay, but it's not like we could eat that. All I found was a silly old crystal skull. That, and some Hawiian Punch.
Smiley: Don't feel bad, who needs a musty old alien head when you can have fruit punch?
Squid: Yeah, I guess. I sure hope Kitty and Cheshirecat found some more stuff too.
Smiley: Yeah, they probably just found a nasty old wig in a box.
Squid: Yeah, what with their luck.
To Be Continued...
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